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Find An Exercise That You Enjoy

Angelique Smith

Do you find yourself often dreading your workouts or not exercising at all because you just don't enjoy it?

This blog is then for you. Many people struggle to find the motivation to exercise and come up with many excuses why they don't. Physical activity is something that one should prioritise because it is extremely important for a number of reasons.

1. Helps reduce one's risk of major diseases later on in life

2. Builds muscle mass which is important later on in life to prevent osteoporosis and prevent bone breaks and fractures

3. Improves heart health

4. Positive impact on one's mood and mental health

There are so many more benefits exercising has on your health and wellness so it's important to get a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week.

If you struggle to find the motivation to exercise, find an exercise that you enjoy and get one of your buddies to join you. There are so many options available to us, so find the exercise that you love and make it part of your health journey.

🔹Join a running or cycling group

🔹Find a gym buddy

🔹Attend group exercise classes or private classes - HIIT, yoga, Pilates, Boxing, jujitsu, spinning, swimming etc.

🔹Join a hockey club

🔹Play tennis/squash with your friends

🔹Go for a walk in nature

There are so many different types of exercises that you can do. It doesn't necessarily have to be going for a run or to the gym like most people think. Find something that you enjoy and can be consistent with and remember there's no harm trying many different sports or exercises before you find the right one for you!

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