Making lunchboxes for your child five times a week can get a bit tedious, for you and your child. It’s very easy to just grab bars, chocolates and chips or give your child money for the tuck shop so that you don’t need to worry about making a lunchbox for them.
We all know child nutrition is extremely important to your child’s health and wellbeing for now and their future. Your child’s health and nutrition foundation is formed at home and you as the parent or caregiver has a huge influence on your child's nutrition habits that are formed.
Giving your child a healthy lunchbox to school will have a positive influence on their nutrition habits that they form which will stay with them forever. Healthy balanced lunchboxes help children have more energy, improve their concentration and will help them learn what healthy eating is. Consuming healthy and balanced foods from a young age can prevent many lifestyle diseases and complications later on in life and will ensure that your child has a healthy relationship with food from very young.
Below are a few ideas to make your child’s lunchbox more exciting, but healthy and nutritious at the same time.
Sandwiches are always a great option for lunchboxes. They are easy to make, easy to eat and can be very healthy and nutritious. Make sure you are using wholewheat / high-fibre bread. There are many different ingredients you can use in sandwiches . For example mozzarella cheese with tomato and lettuce. Sliced Chicken, baby spinach and cherry tomatoes, Egg mayonaise or a tuna and mayo sandwich with diced cucumber/gherkins, red onion and tomatoes.
Leftovers from dinner the previous night - chopped veggies and chicken pieces, fishcakes or meatballs
Roasted Chickpeas
Veggies sticks dipped in hummus / cottage cheese – carrots, cucumber, bell peppers, baby marrow
Ryvita / Finn Crisps with cottage cheese or peanut butter
Kiri Cheese or Babybel
Chicken slices or Droëwors
Homemade Popcorn
Homemade peanut butter and oat bars
Homemade date balls
A smoothie
Water bottles (avoid fruit juice, energy drinks, sports drinks and cooldrinks)
If you have any questions or need advice with regards to child nutrition and lunchboxes, feel free to contact me and book a consultation. Your child's nutrition is vital to their health and wellbeing.